I was sitting at a light with a bike behind me, reving, over and over again.

Light goes green, and i take off slow, he changes lane and pulls up to my back door and i gun it. He does the same. 1st gear goes by and he's still back there, hit 2nd and expect him to go flying by, but no he's inching but he's still not ahead. Hit 3rd and he's at my front door, hit 4th and stay one it until almost 120 and my front bumpers at his back wheel.....

I pull into a parking lot and he follows. I learn that it's a suzuki 600cc bike...

First thing he says as he pulls up and gets off the bike "THAT car should've not have kept up like that!"

I say "ya, you're probably right"

a minute passes by with nothing but silence

finally he talks "oh by the way, what kind of car is that?"

I just laugh and go on my way. smile.gif

Wasted a 6 speed WS6 from a stop 3 times in a row too!