hey all, new kill today enroute to school.

while enroute to school I was minding my own business as a pesky blue boxer decides to pick on a 13 year old car.

The bully of spied me as I passsed his exit at roughly the speed limit.

it wasnt long before the STi with it's mighty wing flies up on the tail of the GSX with an authoritative force, trying to intimidate me he changes lanes and quickly passes me showing me that he had exhaust work done then slowing down and getting along side for an exchange of intentions.

with the exchange complete I signal for him to take the jump, he does!!!

I promptly down shift to third and I am all over him like skid marks in spy's whitey tighties.

3rd gear: I quickly reel him in and take control of the dig, looking over at the surprised pilot, I see a confused look on his face as he was probably expecting to pick on grandma..... but what he didn't know was that grandma visits the gym and bench presses more than The Rock.

4th gear: I pull hard, streaching the lead passed 6 cars and streaching my speedo cable to 120 ... the STi pilot gave up at the end of my 4th gear pull.

when I slowed for my next exit, the STi driver salutes me with the all famous ricer fly-by, and a pissed off look on his face..... bye bye STi